In the morning did the usual ballet run with Florence. At lunchtime, Nigel phoned to say he'd got a spare ticket for the football, so tagged along.

Nate work up early, as is typical when I've had a late night. Florence took him downstairs and they had a drink and watched some telly. When we rose from bed, still tired, we went up to the caravan to check things out ready for the visit 2006 use. Everyone got back into the whole thing as soon as we saw it! At lunchtime Florence went to a party at the new Creative Cafe in Tutbury - she really enjoyed it. Sunday evening Tasha had to go to rehearsal, so I just chilled out. Watched the new episode of 24 - WOW!! They managed to kill of 2, and seriously mame another of the main characters in the first five minutes, and that was me hooked. Was a little dubious how they were going to get him back into all the action, but I think the plot worked really well. Too tired to watch the end of the second episode, went to bed.
Up really early to get the 0638 train from Derby to St.Pancras. I like the whole city feel, but reminded me of the recent bombings as I arrived at King's cross and passed through Russel Square on my way out to Cheswick. I'd not got a great deal of information about the support I was supposed to give when I got there, but fortunately for me I'd seen the issue before and got it all fixed and running within 5 minutes. I then had the dilema of staying to see if I could help with anything or buggering off into the city centre for shopping and art. The guys there seemed a little embarassed about the situation so I decided to stay, and went through the rest of their demo app. Headed back to Kings Cross at just after 1 after having a great New York Deli sandwich!! Arrived at St Pancras just in time to walk straight onto a train home (surely my luck would run out soon!!). It did, just outside Bedford we stopped for "an indefinite delay" due to trackside equipment failure. Here we go I thought - but it was only stopped for about 15 minutes, and by the time we got into Derby it was down to 5 minutes - so I was home for 5.15!! Packed up ready for a spell in Hull.