Had a great night with Martin last night. We had beers, curry and a movie - it was good to catch up, I miss them being around next door. From what he says they should be back up here by the end of the month. Bit of a late night, as Tasha didn't get home until 1ish. A boozy night, with 4.5 hours sleep and a FAT to get through at work, has meant a lunchtime of comfort eating!! Out again tonight and Saturday night as well - not sure the Thursday, Friday, Saturday thing has happened since we had kids!!
There has been much talk of money in the office today, one guy showing pictures of a property he has in the US, 8 bedrooms (you get the picture), as well as the normal flurry of text beeps at 9am for payments. Martin is always up for a good money spinning idea, and I think that the best one of the moment is the
patent to MP3 compression . It appears that some bright spark requires paying for every technology that decompresses MP3 files into audible sounds. Now how many MP3 players are there in the world? Theres also always good money banter walking with Trapper at lunchtime (no gym today as he's still recovering from his helter-skelter injury). John was saying that if he spends an extended period on his next assignment he could talk about the assignment total in substantial fractions of million, and could potentially semi-retire on completion. Its a nice thought, but I'm still heavily into the balancing of home life ethic and would rather be very comfortable and take 12 weeks holiday a year than stinking rich and not know my kids (extreme but possible, the damage would be done by the time you retired).
Read a
good post and a chapter in Ready for Anything about getting things out of your mind - brain dumping. Spent some time going through a list of triggers to try and get things down on paper again. Felt much better for the experience. I'd let the GTD thing slip since before the holidays, and its only now that I realise what it truely does for me - de-stress. I'm not sure I'm going to subscribe to the whole exercise, but certainly the triggers list every now and then will aid in dumping the mind of clutter. After my 7 habits phase as well I like to think that I'm at a stage when I can see benefits in running both methods.