20 September 2006

Late weekend roundup

Well another busy few days. Went out for Jack's leaving/birthday do. Great night out made even better by the fact that the restaurant we went to, Enrico's, is run by the couple that we used to dine with at their old place (and we didn't realise they'd got this new one).

Saturday afternoon went to the football with Nigel, much better game than the last time we went together. Would have been nice to come away with another 2 points though. In the evening we returned to Pascal's for the long awaited Gill & GJ birthday meal - as ever beautiful food.

Sunday we were off to Matlock and Gullivers Kingdom - which was a fantastic day out and the kids could get on everything - we didn't have to queue either.

Since going back to work its been busy, preparing for the SCADA tests next week and site commissioning the week after. Had a particularly sucessful day today, getting the last (and the most tricky) test completed.

Went out with Martin and Clive last night for a Mexican at Pepitos.

14 September 2006

The Schwag man cometh!

Yep, for the first time in a few months, the schwag man has delivered some booty. Its better for me that ValleySchwag only send out when they have some gear (rather than every month). Now its a random thing so, its a surprise when the beast arrives!

After Mark's headsup yesterday I checked out this post from Cabel on the new Nike iPod attachment. I need me one of those! He also raved about the latest iTunes, which I also installed. I am loving the interface, especially the summary page. Not really explored all the new features yet though.
Been feeling a bit rough this week, picked up a bit of a cold (probably becasue of lack of sleep). Feeling better than last night though, so hopefully get my taste fully back before we hit Pascal's on Saturday!

Great banter with Mark on the way home, for nearly the whole journey, miss those chats - but thats why I upped my phone tarrif.

Tasha has been in the wars this week. Whilst snacking on popcorn the other day, she bit a kernel and busted a tooth - which she had fixed today. Yesterday she pulled her back again, but thankfully that seems to be getting better, so its not as bad as last time.

13 September 2006


Following on from Mark's great composite image I decided to get my arse in gear and put together the one I took on holiday. Not sure about it, it seems to be high in contrast. I think I need a full tutorial from Mark.

10 September 2006

Another great week had!

Friday night went to watch Tasha's fantastic production of Godspell. Mesmerising performance and as many people reviewed a "performance worthy of a professional stage". Because of the young cast there was a teriffic amount of energy on the stage. With the venue change (due to the fire at the Brewhouse) - it meant that there were only 4 performances - as Saturday was already booked. Although the show was the best of the week according to Tasha - there were plenty of sad faces at the end, knowing that they wouldn't be doing it again - it was a strange mix of emotions.

Saturday was Fi's 18th birthday party which was held at the new Burton Albion Stadium. Great night, and one of the cast had brought the soundtrack with them, so several numbers were recreated. During the evening Jack's leaving do was arranged, so that means I'm out all next weekend too.

Thought that Sunday might be a bit restful, but not really - Florence got invited to a bowling party late on Friday, so we had to go a get a present, then take her to the bowling alley. Several gardening chores, and delivering all the show things to the next directors for Guys & Dolls.

08 September 2006

Had a great night with Martin last night. We had beers, curry and a movie - it was good to catch up, I miss them being around next door. From what he says they should be back up here by the end of the month. Bit of a late night, as Tasha didn't get home until 1ish. A boozy night, with 4.5 hours sleep and a FAT to get through at work, has meant a lunchtime of comfort eating!! Out again tonight and Saturday night as well - not sure the Thursday, Friday, Saturday thing has happened since we had kids!!

There has been much talk of money in the office today, one guy showing pictures of a property he has in the US, 8 bedrooms (you get the picture), as well as the normal flurry of text beeps at 9am for payments. Martin is always up for a good money spinning idea, and I think that the best one of the moment is the patent to MP3 compression . It appears that some bright spark requires paying for every technology that decompresses MP3 files into audible sounds. Now how many MP3 players are there in the world? Theres also always good money banter walking with Trapper at lunchtime (no gym today as he's still recovering from his helter-skelter injury). John was saying that if he spends an extended period on his next assignment he could talk about the assignment total in substantial fractions of million, and could potentially semi-retire on completion. Its a nice thought, but I'm still heavily into the balancing of home life ethic and would rather be very comfortable and take 12 weeks holiday a year than stinking rich and not know my kids (extreme but possible, the damage would be done by the time you retired).

Read a good post and a chapter in Ready for Anything about getting things out of your mind - brain dumping. Spent some time going through a list of triggers to try and get things down on paper again. Felt much better for the experience. I'd let the GTD thing slip since before the holidays, and its only now that I realise what it truely does for me - de-stress. I'm not sure I'm going to subscribe to the whole exercise, but certainly the triggers list every now and then will aid in dumping the mind of clutter. After my 7 habits phase as well I like to think that I'm at a stage when I can see benefits in running both methods.

05 September 2006

Fresh Start

Florence started back at school today, with her new bag and gear that we bought in France. I always remember the first day back at school (especially secondary school), when you'd got your new pencil case and new bag (in my case one of those rediculously large head bags). Although she has really enjoyed her holiday I think that everyone is ready to get back into the daily routine of going to school.

Tasha had final dress rehearsal last night for Godspell, which went really well. Even though Tasha has seen the production at least twice a week for the last few months, she said that everyone really came together last night and the emotion and dancing were creating a real buzz. I can't wait to see it on Friday (and might have to go earlier in the week too!), the snippets that I've seen were amazing.

The main shock news for me is that Steve Irwin has been killed whilst filming a stingray. I don't normally catch a lot of news so that first I heard about it was when the flood of JPG joke emails came in (which made no sense to me obviously), and then later on Flickr I saw some testemonials. I didn't watch him regularly but I was always impressed by his enthusiasm for wildlife and his keeness to educate.

As Tasha is out all week with the show - I've arranged a curry night on Thursday with Martin, was only saying to trapper the other day how long it had been since I had a cuury

03 September 2006

My big fat greek weekend

Went out for Amanda's leaving bash at the greek restuarant on Friday night. Originally only Tasha was going but we managed to get a last minute baby sitter. Really glad we did as it was a great night. the end of it was a massive 70 person plate throwing in the road outside - brilliant!! loads of wine and great banter with great friends. However in much need of a red bull the next morning, god knows what was in the wine, but the head ache I had was really really bad. Friday was also the day that I took our caravan to be serviced, it was the first time out in lumpy for a tow, since the new clutch was fitted - everything went OK, just hope that they can fix everything for not very much money!!! Went to the dentist in the afternoon.

Saturday, we mainly just chilled out, knowing that Sunday would be a big day. Tasha's long rehearsal. As assistant director she had to be there really early this morning and I don't think she'll be home until 11ish tonight. We popped in very briefly and everything seemed to be going fine.

Normal chores for me, with a drink and some TV, hopefully catching Tasha when she gets in, if I've not passed out - back to the grind tomorrow and show week business.

Looking forward to Fi's 18th party next weekend with the same croud as Friday night - should be another good one!!