When on site I tried blogging by just writing to a text file when I can, then copying it into Blogger dashboard. Picked up a good tip though, if the first line of a text file is .LOG - whenever the file is opened, the date/time information is written as the next line.
16:32 10/10/2006
Just started shift again. Managed to get some lunch (breakfast for me) at the local Beefeater - and was very surprised at the fantastic food and service. After lunch thought it would be a great idea to try and get a power-nap before heading off for the airport. BAD IDEA - I now feel even worse. I'm hoping that this will wear off (especially after some caffine - which so far today I've avoided). I'm definitelty not going to do caffine (in any form) after midnight tonight, to see if that aids my sleep.
00:30 11/10/2006
It always amazes me how many conveyors they get into a baggage hall. Its a real labarinth and is reminicent of the scene from Toy Story 2! Still a construction site, where I'm working so very noisy, dirty and hot & sweaty. I think that the heat is coming from the huge ammount of temporary lighting that has been installed and the general lack of air circulation.
03:20 11/10/2006
On the home stretch of the shift now. Just started the lines back up and running, first bag due about 4am. Can't do any intrusive works now.
21:58 11/10/2006
Had a great night (well mornings) sleep and felt really quite refreshed, we had a good lunch again and a wee swim/suana session. I think that the good night was down to the 2 stage attack I made during the evening
1. No caffine (in any form) after midnight
2. Ordering a beer when I got back to the hotel (at 5:30am), which I received a very dirty look from the night porter for
Did some "tax-free" shopping airside today and got hold of some new earphones. Had the Shure ones in my hand, but when I reviewed the technical information (which didin't mean much to me). The far cheaper Senheisser ones were better. Got some discount as well as the tax-free thing too!
Spent a lot of time humping bags about for trials, which gave me a bit of a work-out. Back home Friday.