22 July 2004

IKEA bug

Now Playing - Beach Boys Greatest Hits; Rachel Stevens; Senser - Stacked Up (a mixed bag I know!!)
Did the IKEA thing last night, and came up with a few more good ideas, and better still solved a few problems we were having too.  Despite saying we weren't going to get anything, still ended up buying things - the whole place just draws me to spend cash - I am IKEA buying Jack

Either you become an IKEA-Boy seeking your erotic gratification in the Horchow collection, or you seek out alternative male community - Fight Club Review

Anyways, looking at the furniture last night, got me onto the ultimate accessory for home working. Unlikely to ever have room for one though.

Have not been keeping up with "Le Tour" as much as I would like but Lance seems to be on track for a 6th victory. It also seems that Tim Don has been busy on the course too, some valuable training getting in their.  I'll have to keep an eye on that link for inspiration (not been running this week yet - and with Tasha lining jobs up in the evening is looking unlikely).  Did manage to catch a rather disgusting programme about eating habits the other night.  You are what you eat takes people that eat loads of processed muck and tries to turn them onto a better diet - the family they picked, it seemed either ate chips or processed meat slice sandwiches in the whitest bread I've every seen.  They also spent £80 every week on take-aways (and wondered why they had to economise in the supermarket???!)  They all (including the kids) had chronic digestion problems and were all clinically obese.  After 8 weeks you could see just by looking at them that they seemed so much brighter (and they'd all lost 2 stone each, even the kids!!)

Finally the welsh village with the longest name that everyone at primary school spent 8 years learning how to say has now been over taken by 8 letters (by another welsh village).  They changed their name to protest against a wind farm

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