21 November 2004

Weekend Roundup

Very busy weekend. Florence did the ballet thing (as usual) and Nate & I went for our normal walk. Nate really not well (full of cold) and he'd got up really early. Tasha and Nate went to sleep in the afternoon which left Florence and me to raid the craft cupboard. Tasha out with the girls to Pastiche and had a really cool time (and loads of nice food).

Sunday again Nate & I up early and he full of cold. Spent the morning doing chores, but had a good homely feeling at the end. Nate again needed more sleep in the afternoon. The kids and I went down the road to brookhollows for an explore in the woods before tea, building up an appetite. Tasha at rehersal and I'm getting a bit of work done. Hopefully sitting down with Adrian the Guru tomorrow and can finally sort out my issues.

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