07 December 2004

What a few days!

Its been a nightmare last few days for me. Firstly Florence came done with something on Saturday evening, and was basically throwing up about every hour until yesterday morning. She was just shattered and complaining that everywahere ached when she went to bed last night. Horrible to see her little body racking when she was being sick. Still she must have been feeling a little better last night cos she managed to start bossing Nate about again!!

Went to the Bullring yesterday for some good retail therapy and to try and do some Christmas shopping. Its so vast that I spent teh first half hour just wandering round, not knowing where to start!! So I took myself off to Borders, bought a few books, and had a hot choc. I then felf in a position to hit Selfridges. After the food hall, I got a bit delirious, and it was only only the train on the way home that I realised I'd forgotten to check out the Apple Store (sorry Mark). Still I bought so much that by lunchtime my shoulders where in real pain. Stopped at Bella Pasta, and when I came to pick up all the bags, knew that it was time to get the train.

Felt good using public transport for the whole day too.

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