...but it was a great trip. The weather was loads better than predicted, with most of the rain falling over night. We got some sunny half days, and a lot of dramatic skies. Not sure whether its the novelty factor or the fact that you're surrounded by all your own stuff, but holidays in the van seem to be longer than others, and we all felt like these few days were as good as the fortnight in Summer. There was a footpath which ran down the back of the site, which was a good safe walking spot for us all. There was a same brook which ran along side the path and the kids spent a lot of time chucking apples off the tree into the brook and seeing whoose would get the furthest downstream. Got the BBQ hooked up to the van and had some local (and Pembrokeshire) sausages for tea. On Sunday we went up to

Dovedale and clibed Lover's Leap (which must have seemed very hard for Nate - but he managed). Spotted a couple of Dippers (which are not common in the UK), and some migrating goosanders. Had a great picnic lunch. Considering it was a Sunday in half term Dovedale wasn't too busy. It made us realise that the Peaks are a lot nearer to home than we remember and we should get out and about in the area a lot more. Called in to
Ashbourne on the way home, but the famous gingerbread shop was closed on Sunday. Overnight there was a lot of rain, and we woke up to muddy puddles in the field. Monday we knew that Louise was coming over with her girls to see us and we'd planned a trip to
Hartington, which also has a famous culinary shop - this time cheese. We needed a few supplies, so nipped to the Sainsburys in Ashbourne before they arrived. There was a pretty major flood, which had cut off one of the roads into town (up till then we'd not really appreciated how much rain had fallen, and you realise that in the Peak District places lower down are really going to cop for a lot of water!).
Lou and the girls seemed to have a good time and we also popped into the gingerbread shop on the way home for a coffee (and gingerbread teddies). Tuesday, after another night of rain and high winds we woke to even muddier puddles! The day was great weather and the sun came out - we went further into the peak district to
Bakewell, and had some fantastic scenery on the way. As GJ drove we all got to see it too. Again there is bound to be a culinary connection!!, Bakewell being the home of Bakewell tarts and puddings. So we
bought an original! Got home and walked

off our fish and chip lunch down the footpath, which was really flooded. Had another great explore and we found a badger set - did some Ray Mears style investigating and found some tracks too. The babbling brook had turned into a torrent which Nate found very exciting. We had a "Summer Holiday Planning Session" when we got back and it is looking like a 2 centre holiday this year, with a week on the Isle of Wight and a week in the New Forest. Paid up with the farmer (our 4 nights costing a grand total of £26!). Wednesday woke to another fine and sunny day, so we headed out to the next village along from Alton Towers and had a walk in the woods. Got back and took the Awning down and generally got packed away. A great drive home, meant we were home in 1/2 hour. Shame it'll be our last trip this year.