30 December 2005

Computer Clear-out

Yesterday was quite productive for me. We popped into town and came away with a rowing machine (part of the post Christmas get fit theory)! Tasha had to go to rehersal so I started processing some pictures, whilst at the same time trying a bit of education in the Adobe Bridge package. I've now re-thought how I take images off the camera and store them, making new file names with the Bridge package. I also looked into (and wrote) some new actions in Photoshop which help me process images for Flickr. One of my other tasks for the holidays, was egtting all the music into one place and converting the ID3 tags, and formatting the iPod and putting it all back. Its taking a long time just getting the music from individual CDs onto the hard drive.

Today, I have to go up to the caravan and try and mend the sliding door. I bought some supplies yesterday, so hopefully I can engineer a reasonable solution, without causing too much damage. I am going to have to cut into the pelmet to get access to the slider rail but hopefully that will mean that a much more substantial fixing can be used.

Dave popped round last night, with an invitation to Evie's birthday party on Monday - it was good to see him not looking so tired!

29 December 2005

Full on Winter weather

Thw snow that had fallen the other day is now nicely frozen (another day without the temperature getting above freezing). We have had a light dusting of snow and loads of frost. the clouds look heavy with snow today, and they are that kind of uniform grey colour.

Went into town again to get the items that I went into town for yesterday and forgot when I got distracted in the sales!

Got some DIY items for (hopefully) mending the door in the caravan.

Tasha is going to have her hair cut off today, a new style for the new year. Dan & Karen have arrived at Gill & GJ's so hopefully catch up with them tomorrow. Cooking a thai meal tomorrow night so hopefully that'll turn out OK.

The pizza evening with Jane & Nigel went down a treat. Pizzas were to big (as usual) but the wine and banter flowed freely.

Good to get out with the camera today, hoping to go for a good walk somewhere before the snow melts (even better if we get some more). If its not too cold, might even try a night shot later.

28 December 2005

Snow fall

Snow fall
Snow fall,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Well it is a slightly belated white Christmas here now - the snow has lasted but is now frozen solid. Its not got above freezing here all day. Took a brief visit to town this morning, wasn't too bad when we arrived at 9, but by the time we left it was frantic.

Had a call from Will - they are coming to visit bank holiday Monday.

Jane & Nigel coming round tonight, have made some pizza dough and sauce.

26 December 2005

Happy Christmas

Well its all over now (the actual day anyway). It all went very well. the Christmas food shopping was hilarious (I went without kids), so I was unstressed, but there were folk there climbing over the stands to get at stuff - INSANE!

We are spreading the present thing out, as we had our presents withthe kids yesterday morning, then Tasha's mum, dad and gran came over for an excellent dinner (well done Tasha) and we had more presents. My folks are over for brunch this morning, with another batch, then Tasha's brother is coming over just before new year!!

I prefer it that way as it can be too overwhelming in one hit.

Just getting the fire started for more present opening, and eating. Bring it on. I'll try and get some photos processed so that I can blog them later

20 December 2005

Work is over for 2005

Work is now over until January and the last day was really quiet. There were only 4 engineers in and our brand new shiny phone system went up the swanny, so we didn't have the phone ringing at all for the whole day.

I was glad of all that because the weekend had been manic. After Florence's ballet lesson on Saturday, she had a Christmas performance in the evening. It was an hour long and there were a couple of occasions we both had tears rolling down our faces. She was so ellegant. On Sunday we drove over to deliver a few more presents to the Aunty Sue side of the family and have a good look around their new house. Were surprised to see Graeme who has moved back in for a bit, but it was good to see everyone - can't remember the last time it was. In the afternoon we went to Martin & Alisons and met up with Colin & Lisa and had the Beacon Road Christmas do. Martin had cooked a whole fillet of beef, which was fantastic. the kids had a great time and the 4 of them played really well together. There was lots to drink and then poor Tasha had to go off to rehersals, although the alcohol certainly lessened the chore!

Today has been really slow, Florence didn't need taking to school as she was on the walking bus, Archie came round and has occupied Nate and Tasha has been making the secret recipe dough for the mince pie orders she has for Christmas. I was left with nothing to do but sort out the Christmas shopping credit card bills!!!

15 December 2005

Exam Over

Took my CFSE exam this morning, and was pretty nervous (mainly due to the fact that it has been over 10 years since I took an exam). It was split into a 2 hour multiple choice and a 3 hour case study. I thought that there would be sufficient time, but I was scribbling right to the last minute! Speaking to Dimitris after the exam we took completely different philosophies. The object of the exam is to pick 50 points worth of questions (from 100) some questions are worth upto 20 points, some as low as 2. Obviously the bigger points also take longer to complete. I started with some big questions and hardly did any on the basic ones, where as Dimitris did all the 2 pointers and made up the difference with 4 and 8 pointers.

At the end of the exam the chappy told us that the exam body (who also do safety feed studies etc) are looking to increase there numbers in the UK and if we got good results he'd be intouch. He said there are 2 different kinds of position and employee and a partner (I think this is like buying a frnchise), but the average partner salery is £150K!!!! --- SHAM - the f!ck - ON MF!!

13 December 2005


The Buncefield fire is still raging this morning, and as it is one of the sites that we work on it was the topic of several conversations yesterday. Fortunately no one has been killed in the incident, and Mark spoke to his contacts from the site.

There are at present 3 tanks still burning, but the fire crews are hope to put those out today. The news earlier said that it could be another week before the air quality on site is sufficient for investigations to begin, but from the picture that were shown, there doesn't seem to be an awful lot left.

Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Well the festive period has begun - and it was a full on decorating weekend. Starting on Friday evening, when I picked Florence up we went straight to my Mums for the 1st decorating session. After ballet on Saturday we decorated our trees (we put one up in the front room, and one in the back). Sunday we had a fantastic swim - Tasha did a great job with Forence again, who is rapidly getting more confident. Nate was spurred on by this progress too and chucked his rubber ring. In the afternoon we went to Gill & GJs house and decorated their tree.

08 December 2005

Digital TV on my laptop

Yesterday I received my DVB USB TV Receiver, and had a quick play with it last night. Unfortunately I couldn't get a signal where I live with the supplied mini aerial. Reading the manual it explains that if you are indoors you should try and use a normal rood top aerial. This again caused a problem as our is shit! We actually have two, and I've only tried one up to now, but I got the same "Low signal" message. Looking on the freeview website at out postcode I got a message to tell me that I need a "wideband" aerial as digital TV is broadcast using a different type of transmitter in my area (some areas can use the same type of aerial)

I brought it into work this morning to see if I could get a signal here, and I checked the coverage again

Another mention in the manual is that weather conditions play a big role too. I need to try again at home with the supplied aerial, and pray that I can use it when we go in the caravan!

Another option is to also buy the standard USB gear so that a normal analogue aerial can be used.

Update: I obviously need to go down the road to my Mum's house to try the equipment

07 December 2005

Staff Dialog

Had my 3rd staff dialog yesterday, and it took the longest yet (just under 3 hours). It was by far the best though and followed a different format than my previous 2 with Steve in that it was a lot less formal and not dictated to by the form. Stirling said a lot about "the business" that was very interesting, and also offered an idea of a career path that I had not really thought about before - which appealed to me. Managed to get plenty of good training down on the sheet though and will shortly be requesting a place on another righteous workshop in Karlsruhe!

Apparently there is a standard Siemens template CV, which gets handed out to customers on request to show competence of staff, Stirling is going to try and get the whole team on this system. He also said that I need to try and get my CEng status ASAP, as it is looked upon very favourably both internally and in process safety.

All in all a very interesting chat, with some scary stuff in too (don't worry Mark I'll let you know!)

06 December 2005

Impromptu Holiday

I've taken a quick last minute "forced" holiday, this was down to the fact the I'd worked some extra hours and had to take them off by the end of November. At first I thought that this was a really bad idea. Holidays are precious to me and as they were last minute we had nothing planned and I thought they'd end up being wasted time. As it turned out we had a great few days, with short shopping trips to IKEA and a couple of great trips to the bullring. I love the bullring.

The first trip we ate sushi in Selfridges - which was first class. Generally we had a fantastic day and it was the first time we'd had a "kids free" day time lunch appointment since Nate was born 3 years ago!!

The second bullring visit, managed to meet up with Mark for coffee and lunch and an introduction to Muji, which was an experience and I had to hold back a little

27 November 2005

Back from the Karlsruhe Trip

Karlsruhe Trip
Karlsruhe Trip,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Well, the cold didn't get better for the trip and suffered (as did everyone else) with my sniffles and coughs - SORRY MARK!

The actual conference was excellent and there was a real feeling the we were final begining to get towards the "inner core". The evening entertainment laid on for us was outstanding and a unforgettable evening.

The journey home was also completely unforgettable (unfortunately). After a dodgy plane and being transferred to another one in the snow, then getting diverted to manchester and a midnight coach trip back to Birmingham, finally got through the door at 0415am (6 hours late!)

This weekend was good, went down to the St Marys church in the village to look at the christmas trees. There are about 50 tress from all the local societies and schools (so Nate and Florence has decorations) it brought a tear to my eye with the community spirit.

We stopped off for a glass of wine in the spread eagle on the way home, then carried on with one our new bottles after the kids went to bed.

20 November 2005

Knocking on death's door....but he won't answer!

The most bizarre flu bug has hit me. Fine on Thursday, woke up Friday, with aching joints and back and the start of a mild sore throat. On the course had too leave ASAP just too tired to go on. Saturday, had virtually lost my voice and the throat was really bad but the back and joints were better. This morning, throat nearly better, but a burning sensation in my chest, blocked nose headaches and tired muscles. Went to town and got some medicine from the pharmacist which appears to be loosing my chest (although very painful to cough). Hoping on the waking up change being - I'm fine, ready for the flight to Germany.

Be gentle on me boys

12 November 2005

Half way through the busiest Saturday

Well survived the day up to now. Very nusy for all of us today. Florence went out to a party last night, this morning we had to get up early for ballet. Had to go into town while that was going on, picked her up and came home. In the meantime Tasha has been doing cakes all mornig for Archie's birthday party. Florence had 20 minutes to get changed before getting picked up for Lucy's party. While that was going on Tasha left to have her hair done, she is then going straight to the vnue for Archie's party to set that up. She'll pop back to pick up Nate and take him down. I'll wait for Florence to get back from Lucy's and then another quick change so that we can go to Archie's. We all get back at teatime, for a quick snack, then Gill * GJ are coming to sit while Tasha & I go out for a birthday meal (and hopefully loads of wine to try and unwind)

On a positive note received my copy of "Getting things done" yesterday, and have had a pretty good read. Most of the principles are great and you can turn them to anyones life to any degree you want - every little helps as they say.

10 November 2005

Fireworks and beyond

originally uploaded by Phillip.
I seem to have been very busy (so much for being a better blogger). Had a great time at Colin's the other night for fireworks and food. Florence's birthday party went with a bang (and a lot of screaming!) Since then its been all go at work. Finshed another 3 day SIL session today and managed to get through all of the remaining areas. We are now on HOLD until we get some more information. Which ties in nicely with my training course next week. Monday it seems that I'm not in the office after all and am heading off to Easington with Jerry Mander for the day. He is coming up on Sunday night and stopping in Derby. I'll meet up with him at his hotel and we'll make the drive together.
Have adopted some of the principles of 43 folders & GTD and have kept my inbox "empty" all week. To whole list thing is working well for me, and I'm trying to think of a good way of incorporating it into a mind map format.

08 November 2005


After chatting to Mark about "Getting Things Done" I read a few articles. Some of it definitely appeals to me. One of the links I followed even had a catagory on being a better blogger. Must read that!

30 October 2005

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Well the end of my week off has been busy too. Thursday we pretty much spent chilling out with a short trip to my Mum's. Friday saw us in Brum (a last minute decision to get Florence some clothes for "the party season". Had a good day out, went on the train but the whole train thing was pretty bad due to the amount of people (I guess it was down to half term). Nate went to his first party on Saturday and he seemed to have a great time. Finished off the weekend end chilling (and of course sculpting a fine 2005 pumpkin!)

27 October 2005

Last caravan trip of the season is over

...but it was a great trip. The weather was loads better than predicted, with most of the rain falling over night. We got some sunny half days, and a lot of dramatic skies. Not sure whether its the novelty factor or the fact that you're surrounded by all your own stuff, but holidays in the van seem to be longer than others, and we all felt like these few days were as good as the fortnight in Summer. There was a footpath which ran down the back of the site, which was a good safe walking spot for us all. There was a same brook which ran along side the path and the kids spent a lot of time chucking apples off the tree into the brook and seeing whoose would get the furthest downstream. Got the BBQ hooked up to the van and had some local (and Pembrokeshire) sausages for tea. On Sunday we went up to Dovedale and clibed Lover's Leap (which must have seemed very hard for Nate - but he managed). Spotted a couple of Dippers (which are not common in the UK), and some migrating goosanders. Had a great picnic lunch. Considering it was a Sunday in half term Dovedale wasn't too busy. It made us realise that the Peaks are a lot nearer to home than we remember and we should get out and about in the area a lot more. Called in to Ashbourne on the way home, but the famous gingerbread shop was closed on Sunday. Overnight there was a lot of rain, and we woke up to muddy puddles in the field. Monday we knew that Louise was coming over with her girls to see us and we'd planned a trip to Hartington, which also has a famous culinary shop - this time cheese. We needed a few supplies, so nipped to the Sainsburys in Ashbourne before they arrived. There was a pretty major flood, which had cut off one of the roads into town (up till then we'd not really appreciated how much rain had fallen, and you realise that in the Peak District places lower down are really going to cop for a lot of water!).

Lou and the girls seemed to have a good time and we also popped into the gingerbread shop on the way home for a coffee (and gingerbread teddies). Tuesday, after another night of rain and high winds we woke to even muddier puddles! The day was great weather and the sun came out - we went further into the peak district to Bakewell, and had some fantastic scenery on the way. As GJ drove we all got to see it too. Again there is bound to be a culinary connection!!, Bakewell being the home of Bakewell tarts and puddings. So we bought an original! Got home and walked off our fish and chip lunch down the footpath, which was really flooded. Had another great explore and we found a badger set - did some Ray Mears style investigating and found some tracks too. The babbling brook had turned into a torrent which Nate found very exciting. We had a "Summer Holiday Planning Session" when we got back and it is looking like a 2 centre holiday this year, with a week on the Isle of Wight and a week in the New Forest. Paid up with the farmer (our 4 nights costing a grand total of £26!). Wednesday woke to another fine and sunny day, so we headed out to the next village along from Alton Towers and had a walk in the woods. Got back and took the Awning down and generally got packed away. A great drive home, meant we were home in 1/2 hour. Shame it'll be our last trip this year.

20 October 2005

Fungi at the front

Fungi at the front
Fungi at the front,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Been quiet for a while for a number of reasons (but no excuses Mark!) Have been doing stints away from home 3 days at a time with nothing but dial-up (which I find depressing to use now, so if I can avoid it I do). We had a huge life laundry session that took up all of last weekend, but am settled to work the rest of this week from home now. Going to see Florence in the harvest festival this morning, which will break the day up nicely, and tomorrow Tasha has to go and have some dental work done.
This weekend going to the peak district so hope the weather isn't too bad, we can all cope with a bit of rain, but the heavy downpours are difficult.

09 October 2005


originally uploaded by Phillip.
Been away to Cannock Chase this weekend in the van. Great outdoors weekend - loads of walking in the woods, went to the arts project walk too (more photos on Flickr). Really relaxing, getting wuite into this going away thing now. Did some better manouvers this weekend too. Looking forward to our longer break in a couple of weeks time to the Peaks.

During the morning, the longhorn cows burst the gate and came into the next field.

07 October 2005

Long Days

I've worked a couple of long days this week, which means that I've easily got my hours in without having to do anything today!! Unfortunately following a couple of meetings yesterday I have got a couple of hours work to do.

I also managed to speak with Candice yesterday and she is changing my phone for me (which should arrive with me this morning)

Going away in the van again this weekend. A little further a field and to a field - should be a little more extreme and may require my new ramps!! We've also borrowed the Fiamma
from GJ so that we can at least get our boots off in the relative dry and try to keep some of the sh!t out of the van. Everyone geared up for a good woodland weekend. We know all the best places in the chase after asking Martin.

04 October 2005


I've been getting quite a few spam comments on my blog of late (I had 3 this morning alone). They just seem to have started the last week or so??

Spent a long day in the car yesterday travelling to a refinery at Coryton for a meeting. The meeting was pretty agressive at first but by the time it was over all seemed weel (although the sales guy committed to a bid deadline that he has no way of meeting)

That much time in the car messed my back up a bit, and was completed phased by the time I got home (the last hour driving in the horrible dusk light)

Well in the office today, hopefully get the last bit of out Karlsruhe travel arrangements sorted out

25 September 2005

Spur of the moment weekend

The Outfit
The Outfit,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Well it was about 4 o'clock on Friday afternoon, we were just getting the dinner ready, after finishing work around lunchtime.

We were talking about how great it would be to take the caravan over to see Gordon and Gill (who we knew were at Uttoxeter) - and we couldn't think of a reason why we shouldn't. So, with 1/2 hour notice we all jumped into the car, went up to the farm, hitched up the van and set off.

We had a great weekend and the weather was fantastic. Now we've done the first one we are changing the location of our second trip, to be a little more extreme - and we are also considering the the bonfire weekend too now so we can take in a big organised display.

21 September 2005

Business, Balls & Beer

Yesterday at work (just as I was leaving) my mangare said that he was trying to get myself and the other TS involved with a conference in Germany. That would be really cool if it comes off, getting to know some contacts, information, seeing HQ and generally spending a bit of time with Mark & Adrian.

When I got home Tasha also had some great news. Several years ago she helped pilot the TOPS dance scheme in Staffordshire schools, which is still going strong. She has now been approached by Staffordshire to be a dance specialist and go into schools all over the county and just teach the dance lessons (while the normal class teachers use the time for PPA). It really is her ideal job as she can choose her hours, shes only teaching dance and it would look pretty cool on her CV!

Martin came round last night to see if I wanted to hit a few balls done the driving range, so Col and I went with him. I can see why I don't play golf now. Although I hit some real monster shots, most went one way or the other out of bounds. Had a beer after and chewed the fat before coming home (via the chippy) - so much for a healthy week!

19 September 2005

Whores, Fire Engines & Caravans

Its been a mixed bag of a weekend (and really busy). Friday night went out with Louise, Sue & Sara to see "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" starring Tasha. What a fantastic show. Didn't really know the story, other than the summary on the back of the script, but it has some great music and Ed did a magnificent job with the band. Everyone played their roles well and there where plenty of laughs from the packed brewhouse crowd. Bit distressing in the sex scenes for me - but they were done in a comedy fashion so it wasn't as bad as I had thought it was going to be. Went for a few beers with the girls after too and Tasha went out to the Thai.

Saturday, Tasha had her lie in after the do, so I had to do the whole ballet thing. The bun and hair thing was the worst, but the results I got were damned impressive. In the afternoon, Tasha went off to do the matinee and Florence went off to her friends house for the fire station visit. Nate and I went next door to Martin & Alison's and had a good afternnon chatting and playing. We harvested the sunflowers with a view to drying them out and eating them. Florence got back from her visit at just after 9 that evening and was full of it. It appeared that they had done loads of stuff, RTA rescues, thermal camera, fire engine tour etc etc.

We Tried to keep Sunday a bit of a rest day, so that we could spend some family time together. However, we ended up having to go shopping (albeit as a family) as we were out of grub. In the afternoon we got together our boxes for the caravan and went over to the farm to put things away. I think we are pretty much set now, and the credit card bill has been paid, so I can start to recover financially too.

14 September 2005

The outfit is complete

Unfortunately no pictures as it was a pretty long journey home, but the caravan pick-up was sucessful. Had a short tutorial on how to use it (emptying the toilet, draining the water, hooking up power etc) then had to pay our balance. Then got another lesson in how to hitch up and then it was on our way. I don't think I scared Gordon too much, but took an easy ride up to the farm, so all in all a 80 mile round trip today. I really enjoyed the actual driving and towing - the car seemed very stable and apart from watching the speed, you didn't really know you were towing. Positioned the van at the farm and had to get my head round the security, hitch lock and wheel clamps etc.

It is fast asleep in its shed now with the vicious peacock looking out for us. Have got a couple of small jobs that need to be finished off, but will probably pop up and do those over the coming days. Feel shattered now I've stopped though, I guess the actual concentration took it out of me more than I thought!

Just going to chill with a beer and a movie tonight.

Tasha in the Paper

Tasha in the Paper
Tasha in the Paper,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
As usual the Mellows got their page in the paper ready for opening night. Tasha said this morning that the crowd last night was good but they were a bit wary of the subject matter - and the language!! But once they settled the crowd did react in the right way at the right time.

Tasha was pleased that they actually got her name right this time (although typically drawing attention to her being the only one named!!

31 August 2005

Nuneaton Sunrise 2

Nuneaton Sunrise 2
Nuneaton Sunrise 2,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Today has seen some very changeable weather. We had blistering heat at lunch time (sitting out in the beer garden) and then thunder and lightening on the way home.

30 August 2005

"Lumpy" our new car

"Lumpy" our new car
"Lumpy" our new car,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Picked up the new car today. After the salesman messed us around for a while it was good to get in it and drive it again!

Arranged to pick up the caravan too so we should have the whole outfit together by mid-Spetember. We've booked a week in October but will hopefully have at least one weekend away for a practice before then.

21 August 2005

The end of the long weekend

originally uploaded by Phillip.
A tiring weekend.

Didn't get home until nearly 9pm on Firday after completing the training course and packing up in Winchester.

Spent all day Saturday stripping down the garage. Took 2 full car loads of stuff to the tip and Martin took an hour to table saw all our wood, which we've stacked up "swiss cottage" style ready for Winter.

Sunday was the mentallt taxing day. We bought our caravan!!!!

19 August 2005

Seafood Blow out

Last night we blew out at the Loch Fyne fish restaurant in Winchester. We ate oysters, a very nice sushi grade slightly smoked slamon fillets with wasabi, cod cassolet and smoked salmon in whiskey and mushroom sauce - we also managed to cram in some great bread and butter pudding! The rest of the dishes are in my Flickr stream, unfortunately all cameraphone shots

However, rich food overdose this morning!

It was a good fairwell evening and we're both looking forward to returning to the office and catching up with everyone (especially MarkM) next week.

18 August 2005

Southampton Night Out

Southampton Harbour Casino 2
Southampton Harbour Casino 2,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Obviously being fans of food Geoff and I had planned our weeks dining on Monday and as its our last week we decided to visit all our favourite restaurants. Last night was the turn of La Regatta Tapas Bar in Southampton. The weather was great last night so they had all the shuttered windows wide open so it was almost like eating outside.

As usual we had some great food, although some of our favourites weren't on the menu. Took this shot (and the others in the Flickr stream) just after we'd finished.

Tonight we dine at the fish restuarant.

17 August 2005

I have the power!

Yesterday was not a good day for clearing snags as we were doing customer training. Geoff had produce a test paper for competency though so we each took an operator round and got the to demostrate things and answer questions.

The operators were a different class to the ones from last week (who were really up for it). Several conversations started about how the change was too great etc - same old, same old.

Finance for the caravan has been approved so looks like we shall be picking up the car sometime next week, assuming no delays in actually paying the money! Have booked October half term off in preparation.

Sounds like my off-shore commissioning might be split into lots of short trips, from September onwards - bit of a bummer really as I wanted to try and get it all out of the way, but at least Geoff will be back so we can double man.

15 August 2005

Night Scene

Night Scene 1
Night Scene 1,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Managed to get out in the garden and take a few long exposure shots last night in between watching the rivetting new series of LOST. Great concept and very gripping.

14 August 2005

Half way through the weekend

A really rubbish week on site, plenty of snags completed which was tough going - lots of changes that I'd already changed once - kinda frustrating. Felt very low when I got home on Friday evening, completed drained. This may weeks on site is not good for the soul, and to do a week straight afetr a fantastic holiday was too much!! At least this forthcoming week is my last one (for a while).

Phase one of project caravan went well this weekend when we purchased a new car. We thought hard about the style, and obviously the heavier the car the more options we have with the caravan. The 4x4 route seemed the most obvious and we managed to get a 2 year old with in budget (just)

The one we picked was a gold colour. Went for 3 test drives between the 2 of us, seemed a great car.

Phase 2 started today seriously looking at vans. Going over to a bigger place in Nottingham with GJ next weekend.

10 August 2005

Continental living

The news is full of the comments of judges and police this morning - describing how in November when the UK licensing laws change there will be carnage!! 24 hour binge drinking - why can't it be like the continent, where people are far more civilised....

...well last night Geoff & I had a very Italian evening. The weather was sunny and mild until well after dark. We sat outside on the pavement and had a few italian beers and people watched for a while then ate some fantastic food. As we sat there a chellist set up and started playing some suttle music. I felt like a European.

08 August 2005


I've made the dcision not to post so many pictures in one go. The contacts that I enjoy looking at again and again only post one or two pictures a day, and for anyone looking more regularly it is a real job catching up. I'm also vetting the images a little more (now that I have some better quality results)


originally uploaded by Phillip.
Back to work is horrible when you've been away. Especially this time. The holiday seemed even more relaxed now that Tasha is over "the dark times"! Plenty of planning for the next one, and spent the weekend looking at caravnas and suitable cars. Looking to buy the complete outfit so that we can go away at October half term.

20 July 2005

Its not...

Its not...
Its not...,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
...notraces work (you guessed that right!), but I was quite pleased with my first attempt at a night scene.

VERY bad day at work yesterday, lots of "unexplained" hardware issues. Not very good for confidence.

Went to a fantastic authentic tapas bar last night, good feeding and forgetting about the problems of the day.

19 July 2005

Start of the week

Sunrise this morning
Sunrise this morning,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
A pretty bad start to the week, I really don't won't to be in Winchester this week - but at least the holidays are getting nearer. Trouble is if I feel like this before I go, whats it going to be like when they're over!!

A great sun rise when I left the house yesterday, and that was the best bit about the day really! We had loads of problems with equipment which set us back.

We ate at the Napelese restaurant last night - fantastic food, ate loads, can't pronounce anything that I ate but it was all good.

17 July 2005


originally uploaded by Phillip.
Weekend roundup.
Fantastic weather all weekend. Tasha has been had working on Pop Icon again this weekend so we hardlt saw her on Sunday. We spent the time in the garden mowing etc.
Saturday night we had Jane & Nigel over and had a fantastic BBQ. Tasha made homemade burgers, with some mince that Nate & I got Ian Barker to make up for us that morning. Great to catch up with them both and good to see that they are well (and Jemmie too)

Nate Update:
He's not been very well at all - not sure whether its the chickenpox catching up with him (the spots are all drying up now), or whether its the side effects of the anti biotics he's on. He got a secondary infection behind his ear because he had loads of chickenpox behind there. He's not been himself and generallly "floppy" all weekend. Hopefully should pick up for the holidays

15 July 2005


originally uploaded by Phillip.
Geoff and I headed into Southampton tonight for something to eat. Geoff fancied mexican so we ended up dining mexican - and very nice it was too. Got this series of shots on the drive home.

13 July 2005

Inspiration for Art

I'm also pondering what to do in this area, and I may very well have come across a site that will nudge me in the right direction!

Breakfast with the boss

Had to do a bit of impromptu brown nosing this morning when Mark H joined me for breakfast!! Bumped into him on the way down this morning, good chat about holidays with the kids, he has some young'uns too and they're off to Salcombe (another favourite).

Also recently upgraded to iTunes 4.9 with the podcast facility. I came across a great cast about digital photography. Tips from the top floor is run by an enthusiastic Germany guy, and is pretty good to listen to. The cast I listened to last night was about lightning and came with this stunning image, which was taken while making the podcast

12 July 2005

Winchester car pan technique

Winchester car pan technique
Winchester car pan technique,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Weather wise it is absolutly fantastic here in Winchester today (the Queen is due here later). The sky is so blue, more like you would see in the south of France. Not one to miss out on the weather I went to sit on the bank and read my camera manual. Started trying to master the pan technique on the passing cars, and when I downloaded these only relised that there appeared to be a car with some agressive looked blokes in!


Working away from home (especially for such a long length of time) really makes me feel guilty. Tasha is having to do everything as well as fit in all the stuff she is doing for Pop Icon and "Whorehouse". I feel really bad when I don't see the family and Nate won't do the phone at all. Whats added to the problems is that Nate came down with Chickenpox over the weekend and now that means that because he's contagious Tasha won't be able to go to sports day. Poor Florence won't have anyone cheering her on.

UPDATE! - Florence won her race! A star in the making

09 July 2005


originally uploaded by Phillip.
The task I set myself yesterday will take a lot longer than I thought. So looks like I shall be working in the hotel again next week.

Woke up this morning to fantastic weather. Nate and I had a great walk and managed to capture some good wildlife photos

05 July 2005

Its Clobberin' Time

After seeing the latest trailer for the Fantastic 4 on t'internet today and Mark's review of Batman Begins, it suddenly dawned on me that I could go to the cinema while I'm here on my own!! So tomorrow I think I will, set me up nicely for the drive to Manchester on Thursday morning.

04 July 2005


Summer Sky Two
Summer Sky Two,
originally uploaded by notraces.
Left a few comments with No Traces and he leaves some great advice on camera set up. Real bummer that I left my camera at home this week.

03 July 2005


Well the end of Season 4 has just been watched (I know I'm a week behind). What a great 2 hours, nicely finished off, and I thought that it seemed that - that was that.

However I then found this

01 July 2005

Back to the homestead

originally uploaded by Phillip.
Well back to the house tonight, a much better drive home. Tasha is out on the lash tonight, so settled down for Bradford vs Rhinos and 5 750ml bottles of Tiger beer for £5

The Breakfast Club 2

Who cares whether Molly & Judd made a go of it, or whether Martin followed his Dad's advice and became a wrestler or followed his true path and became a skate artist - what everyone wants to know is that the Hoff was back this morning, and not only that but he was dining with the skinny lady. All was going well until he received "another phone call". What made it even better is that his ringtone was the Cagney & Lacey theme!!

The Fat lass wasn't in this morning so it was up to me to dive into a full English, the waitress (that when she's not waitressing is sitting by the pool in a bikini - which I'm not sure is the outfit that is most suited to her fuller figure) was in the background this morning - another reason to take advantage of the breakfast ensuring that it stays down! However, a abnormally tall Herman Munster youth with thick glasses was serving.

Woke early (again) so finished watching Dogtown and the Z-Boys, and started watching the Billabong Odyssey.

Steve Martin is definitely not Steve Martin, I gauged this by his response to me elbowing him in the ribs, winking and saying "Don't call him lifesaver, call him shithead"

30 June 2005

Oh Dear!

When I started working in "the cage" down here (which is right next to the smoking area) I made a polite request to the management to see if an alternative arrangement could be made as the smoke was affecting me. It wasn't the odd one or two smokers but a constant stream throughout the day so that on the worst days the environment was continuously smoky.

Well its been escallated and a permanent site wide smoking ban is being enforced from today!

Oooopps - I feel my car might get wrecked!

The Breakfast Club

I've now been in the same hotel for 3 weeks, and have realised that there are some other people staying that are long termers. I don't know who these people are or what they are doing in Winchester but I have given them names and made up stories about them to pass the time.

The Mad Man
The mad man is very quiet and aggressive looking, he never says anything, eats a huge meaty breakfast to sustain his strength for strangling people. After hes finished he takes his Popeye style tattooed forearms for a smoke in the bar.

The Little Man
Reminds me of the "little man" in the UK version of the apprentice. Always looking down his nose at people and mutters under his breath at the waitresses, dines with the paper and his mobile phone, waiting for the big call that never arrives.

The Hoffmeister
A huge bear of a man who dines alone, or does he? A blonde woman always comes in moments after him and sits on the next table. They talk together, once they sat at the same table. Yesterday the Hoff received a phone call and he was shouting that he'd speak later - obviously his wife ringing with the " is that hussy having breakfast with you" conversation.
I saw the Hoff and the skinny lady out together in Winchester last night, Hoff was not at breakfast this morning.

The Big Lass
A larger lady, who tries every morning to (like myself) avoid a big greasy English breakfast, lets just say I have considerably more success.

Steve Martin
Well if it isn't its his double.

29 June 2005

Trafalgar 200

Down here in the naval south its been the Trafalgar bi-centennial celebrations. I thought of popping down to see the re-enactment and fire works last night, but was glad I didn't! The park and ride system failed, and by the time they got back to their cars, had the pleasure of sitting in the traffic jam out of the car park until the early hours of the morning. There was some shocking weather too. Huge storm. Was going to go and get some Winchester shots last night.

Managed to get some work done again in the hotel last night, but feel quite run down this morning.

28 June 2005

Mum's Home

Mum was discharged from hospital last night at about 8pm. She completed her treadmill test, and was actually better than the first time. She has been placed on the emergency out patients register at Glenfields for another angiogram to determine whether her stent worked. She seemed OK on the phone, but was tired.

Made some progress at work yesterday and can hopefully get back into loop testing today. Hotel is being renovated from this week, which means access to my room is difficult. It was also very busy last night/this morning with a coach load of German pensioners. Was disturbed to see a section of ceiling missing outside my room, with access to all the communications wiring. A lot of noice when I first got back too, but they must finish at 6.

27 June 2005

Weekend Roundup

In summary VERY BUSY.

I don't know how Tasha copes when I'm away! Completely shattered after Saturday, but the Tasha's event went well and nearly £3000 was raised. Tasha's "1 cake a month for a year" went for nearly £60 which she was chuffed with.

Sunday, went shopping and Florence went to a party. I went to see Mum in hospital. The people on her ward all look REALLY ill - which I never find nice. I just hate hospitals, lots of really sick looking people getting pushed around as I arrived. Mum told the story of her "fainting" and she has had it confirmed that she was in VF. Today she is due to go on a treadmill so that they can "stress" her heart and get some good data from her (she said that it takes longer to wire you up than it does to do the walking bit). Her blood pressure is really low at the moment, which caused the initial fainting spell.

25 June 2005

Car lights

Car lights
Car lights,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Was really hoping to get a shot of the moon (as its supposed to be at its biggest at the moment for 20 years), but its too cloudy. Need to get into some long exposure shooting. Bored witless, done the ironing, Tasha came and went for a few minutes earlier, but the auction sounded really good.

Food Prep. for Auction of Promises

Food Prep. for Auction of Promises
Food Prep. for Auction of Promises,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Today is the auction of promises. Tasha started work at 8am this morning going to get all the bread. The house is full of food - I think they are expected quite a few people to go. Some of the lots seem pretty good.

We've been trying to keep out of the way, so what with this and regersals probably won't get to see much of t'wife before going back to Winchester.

24 June 2005

Bad Day

Bad day yesterday. Major issue was discovered, talked through with Dave Adams only to find that what I'm trying to do isn't possible in my version (but is in the latest). It basically means that I've got to redevelop a section of the code. I set all the templates up over night so hopefully be able to test the "new" theory today.

Dad phoned me yesterday to say that he'd had to take Mum into hospital with chest pains. My Mum didn't want to go and they didn't think that it was a heart attack, so fingers crossed.

Started watching Dog Town and the Z-boys very early this morning, wow!

23 June 2005

Summer's Here

Another hot one this week, so much so that I've had to buy a fan, that I'm taking between work and the hotel room.

Saw a couple of Siemens bods in the hotel last night. Had some good gym action but looked like I'd showered in my clothes by the time it was over.

Forgot to swap my HDD over before leaving last night so couldn't do as much as I wanted to.

Watched a programme last night about the columbia shuttle - they now think that it was a "sprite" lightning bolt that caused the shuttle to break up and there were some pretty good bits of evidence (the bottom picture) to back it up.

20 June 2005

On yeah, that always happens

I've been asked to feed some CDs into a machine a build a couple of PCS7 terminals while I'm testing. The machines are pre built with windows and just need the goodness putting on. I happily get it out of the box, fire it up, B A N G !

"Oh yeah, that always happens every time" - they are odd US power supplies in the PCs that don't like 240V. Mmmmm should you have told me that as you watched me plug it all in??? Spent the next 1/2 hour swapping out the PSU.

19 June 2005

The Weekend

Warfield Fete
Warfield Fete,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Wow - what a hot one. The temperature was 32C both days and Saturday night was soooo humid. Had a great time with Dan and Karen, not had chance to use the camera very much yet, but hopefully get something done next weekend. Shattered today as 3 of us spent the night in one room without a fan and I didn't get to sleep at all. Nate up at 0515. Dan's little wildlife garden was alive at even that time though and we saw a jay, a woodpecker and a nuthatch. The previous night we'd has a great evening outside BBQ etc then watched hedehogs come out and feed.

17 June 2005

It was like a gangsta rap video...

..last night in the hotel gym. Basically, me (the gangsta!) and loads on bikini clad "bee-hatches" swanning around the pool side and jacuzzi.

Dropped back into reality quickly though and went and did some more work. Last night really muggy.

Heard on the news that the officials at stone henge are going on strike for the solstice.

16 June 2005

A good day

Had a good day today testing, got some potential major problems sorted. Lack of experience in the area had me nervous, but everything worked OK. Plenty of work to be done in hotel when I got back too.

15 June 2005

Seafood after a long day

A mentally taxing day yesterday on site. But mangaed to get some key things done that I thought would take longer, so to celebrate I went to the lock fyne fish restaurant. Mark wouldn't have been happy as I blew out and exceeded my budget, but had
  • Baby pan fried squid
  • Whole Sea Bass
  • Green Salad
  • Wine

Great atmosphere too - highly recommend it if your in Winchester, or I find out from the website another 24 locations in the UK. The weather has changed to yuk today, so have driven in, but at least I get here in time to get a parking space!

14 June 2005

Early morning call

Early morning call
Early morning call,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Taking the early morning call to the extreme, the fire alarms went off in the hotel this morning at 0650! Everyone had to be evacuated. At least I was dressed, some people were wearing some "unusual" atire - if anything!
An American guy was asking what it was that had caused the alarm, and I thought to myself that they should be telling us that information, but they didn't.
Walked into work in the sunshine (while its here). The weather is due to get cold and wet soon. The British Summer.

13 June 2005

Its been a quiet day

Woke up at 4, tried to get back to sleep, but it wasn't happening, so decided to hit the road early. In and out of the Coventry office by 0630 and down to Winchester for 9 (with a stop for a bite to eat).

Today in the workshop has been REALLY quiet, the occasional person goes for a smoke in the corner, but other than that no contact at all. Things went with a slow start - lots of stuff that should have been done, hasn't which in turn means I end up doing it as its holding me up. Loads of work left to do on the panel networking wise.

The other tech specialists are having a meeting about our roles, so hoping for some feedback on that later.

Hope Wolfhart is in the hotel, otherwise its going to be a quiet eveing as well!

12 June 2005

Morgan's birthday

Just been round to Morgan's first birthday party. Keeping up with these Jones' would be difficult they always lay on a good do!! Richard was ther jammin in the garden on the guitar, great food and the children fully entertained. We had to come away early as Florence had another party to go to!


Just aquired me a bit of a new camera package Nikon Coolpix 5700 and a load of gubbins. Tasha's brother has upgraded and has kindly offered me first refusal. It just happened that it was one of the models I looked at when I started thinking od upgrading. Quite handy that we are spending the weekend with them next weekend too - so I should be able to have a really good play with it.

11 June 2005


originally uploaded by Phillip.
Had a great day out with Stubbs today. We went cycling at LAdybower. The route taken from a book, was pretty extreme in places. The uphills were a nightmare but the downhills made it worth while. We both took tumbles but the new pads were good. Got "some air" on the jumps and hopefully Stubbs caught them on camera

sushi night

sushi night
sushi night,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
I made this sushi the other night, and it was good. I was really pleased with my photos too.

08 June 2005

Open Communications Workshop

Spent yesteday at head office. Got a couple of hours work in in the SAS office before trying to find the meeting room that we were having the workshop in. Doh! No one in reception knew were it was and time was ticking - not agood sign to be late for the new GM I thought. Reception managed to track him down and he came over to collect me from reception. "Your ears must be burning" he said. He we go I thought. "Yes, Ian was just singing your praises". Wayhey!!!!!

05 June 2005

Why we choose our friends

My sister has just come round (out of the blue) and the first time that we've seen them since their wedding in at the beginning of April. She took Tasha to one side and said that the reason that she'd not been invited to her hen night was that no-one wanted her to be there! (nice) My sister basically told her that no one in my family likes her. An obvius upset Tasha then went round to my Mums. My Dad got one on him when Tasha said that she wouldn't be going round an Wednesday and they both started alying into her about how we are raising our kids and that they always feel unwelcome. To set the record straight the ONLY people we have round at the moment (do to Tasha being ill the last 2 years) is my Mum and Dad. Its such an exhausting procedure trying to make them happy that we don't have the energy to do much other entertaining.

Hence we choose our friends, unfoirtunately we are lumbered with our narrow minded families

New Phone line

The fact that this is getting posted is proof that my re-wiring of our phone sockets has been a sucess. No more trailing leads under the carpet and another of the "last few jobs" on the kitchen signed off. The main phone is now in the back room - what a luxury, so no more getting into the hall in 3 rings in the cold.

03 June 2005

The Man Mountain

The main mountain that is MAVIS, has just phoned me (lunchtime Friday of half term week), to see if I'd go down to GRAIN tonight and work the weekend. THE - ARSE - FATTEST - MY - PART - KISS- OF. Forget that I might be doing something with my weekend and have my own project to work on before testing next week. Doh!

Working from home

Checking my pda blog link

Devil's Slide

Had a good go on the bike last night. Took a new route down the canal, which brought me out at a woodland area. There was a good wooded track and downhill section, but also a steep staired climb!

Winchester visit went well the other day and everything seems like it will be ready for my arrival next week. Although this might be delayed as I've been asked to attend a meeting for Grain phase 2!!

30 May 2005

Coffee at Selfridges

Coffe at Selfridges
Coffe at Selfridges,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Had a great day out at the bullring - managed to spend loads of money and not come away with anything for myself!! Enjoyed the food too!

29 May 2005

The National Memorial

The National Memorial
The National Memorial,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
We'd been recommeneded a day out at the NAtional Memorial (which is just up the road). However, the people that told us about it obviously didn't go on a Sunday. Huge space, with a new woodland - part of the National Forest, loads of places to run etc - and a lot of solem ex-army types going to the chapel on Sunday.

27 May 2005

Dull Hull

Was in Hull yesterday - long drive up there, but the traffic was on my side so I got to the RVP early. Able to read a few more pages of the Da Vinci Code, which is a book that is really compelling. As expected the meeting was short and my colleague dried up quite quickly. Talking with the customer though it looks very favourable that we will get the order by July (more resourcing headaches!)

Tasha out (again) this time at rehersals for "Best little whorehouse in Texas", I have been wanting to grow some herbs and veggies for a while now, and we've just begun clearing a suitable space. Sowed the first batch of seeds last night. Dave came round with some DVDs to borrow.

Nate is doing really well "nappy less". He has managed two trips out today, one to town and one to toddlers (both exciting visits and not a leak in site!), not bad for 3 days in!

25 May 2005

Catching up

Man in a tree house
Man in a tree house,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
I spent a week down at the Isle of Grain - which is a real drain on the system. Long hours and an uncomfortable atmosphere on site. The hotel has some great facilities though so got quite a bit of swimming etc done.

Lost at squash again this week, and Tasha seems to be out most nights, so I'm not getting much cycling done either.

Went on a fantastic Adobe workshop yesterday - that is a very useful tool. Had an hour or so in Brum too - definitely could get into the train comute to there. Had a mooch round the Bullring and had lunch at the noodle bar in Selfridges.

Heard today that Mavis is coming back part time from tomorrow. Adrian & I decided to give him a couple of days to get back into things before laying into him about all the things he hasn't done. No more pussyfooting around.

Nat popped in today - good to see him again - It did make me wonder why he was in though (came for a meeting with Ian McKnight).

Tomorrow I'm going to Hull. Its going to turn out to be an uncomfortable meeting. I have my instructions from Stirling and a line to stick too - he is pretty pissed with Jackson at the moment.

09 May 2005


No victory this week, but a good game -plenty of runnnig around, good for the ticker.

Hope Mark is OK on site, seems that he is being given a bunch of shit handover.

The team leader thing was knocked back by trapper to day - CONFIRMED, other than that no news

Have planned our route with Stubbs for the mountain biking in June - Ladybower won the day

Weekend Roundup

Quite a busy one. Spent Thursday evening decorating the boat for the toddler group entry into the village event to celebrate VE day. Tasha had to deliver it on Friday night. Saturday, got caught out in the rain on our walk, very soggy! MuM & Dad came round and stopped for a bite to eat then we all went down to the brook to look at the well dressing and the boats (which managed to survive the rain and winds. Sunday had a really good swim session with the kids - they were both well up for it and Nate especially. Got home a had a mother of a bacon sarny! The afternoon took us to IKEA, which wasn't too bad but Nate doesn't like shopping a great deal. Bumped into a friend who we've not seen for a few years too! Spent the evening building what we'd bought!

05 May 2005

A Foodies Day

Today has been a foodies day. Tasha went off to the Good Food & Home show at the NEC. She watched loads of demos by big chefs, bought and tried some great food and generally drank alot! I dropped Florence off at school and Nate and I headed into Lichfield. Today was the farmers market. Bought some fantastic local mewats and cheeses and visited my favourite - The Olive Bar. Found out that he is also there every Friday and Saturday and runs themes French Friday and Italian Staurday, where he not only sells Olives but breads and pastries too!! I feel I shall be seeing a lot more of Lichfield, I didn't realise how near it was (about 20 minutes away)

04 May 2005

May Day

May Day
May Day,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
A regular weekend. Went to see Tasha's Mum & Dad on the bank holiday. Went to the legion for the may day fun day. Started out really sunny, and the kids had a great time on the bouncey castle etc. Floreance had her face painted. Then all of a sudden there was a downpour, with really huge drops of water. We made a run for it, but got completely drenched - memeroies of the Mistral in France!

01 May 2005

Workshop output

originally uploaded by Phillip.
My workshop output is up on Flickr now. A great day, and a great lunch from Pipanellas!

Enjoyed using the gesso and sand and stuff, but the tin foil was a step too far for me.

Saturday night BBQ

Saturday night BBQ
Saturday night BBQ,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
I spent the day at Ridware painting (I'll post about that later) but it turned into another great day, so Tasha went down to Ian Barker's and got a couple of great steaks cut, which we threw on the BBQ. They were VERY good! She also got in some bottles of Stella.

I got home from Ridware to find that Florence had been to a party but had an accident when she was there. She had tried to jump onto a stage, not quite judged the height and smashed her shim into the metal edge - ouch! Luckily there was a nurse there who was able to assess. But I had to administer some 1st aid after baths as it wouldn't stop bleeding.

29 April 2005

Working outside!

It is a fantastic day here, and quite frankly I'm getting a bit dehydrated in the front room in the full strength of the sun. So decided to perform the long awaited "decking coverage" with the wireless network. I do get a connection but the speed and signal strength do tail off quite a lot as I head down the garden. But promising for now that the weather is getting better.


Finally got round to watching some of the movies that I've got backlogged with. Watched Troy, which I can say was a lot better than I thought it was going to be, some great big scene moments (and in the light too not like Lord of the rings), I also started to watch Super Size Me (which was on TV), which I've decided needs full attention, so I'll watch it when I'm not dropping off - have also added it to my rental list.

Japanese Culture

Found this great image on Rion's blog. Part of a whole series of shors of Japanese commuters getting the most out of their phones. This shot really is wonderful, I just imagined stacks of people waiting to cross the road and say a plane flying over

28 April 2005


Tasha has just returned from Popinella's the new deli in Tutbury. She got some fantastic olives, bread and smoked cheese

25 April 2005


The winning streak was short lived, and I got beat 3-1 tonight, but all the games went to tie-break and could have gone either way.

Loads cracking off in the office today, especially the news that Mavis has declared he's had enough and wants out!

A good "non-rant" walk at lunch time too (hopefully the start of many) helps to keep Mark's BP down (well at least until we get back to the office!

The Weekend

Worked from home on Friday for a number of reasons, Tasha needed to finish off her dental stuff and I couldn't face getting hassle in the office for quotes mainly! Looking forward to our much delayed anniversary meal, I went to get my final ingredients from Sainsbury's. Noticed that a new restaurany, Chloe's, had opened up in Burton - very swanky, will have to pay a visit.

Saturday was a good day - did the usual ballet/walk thing in the morning and baked a great lemon tart. Ended up having a great evening, Chicken stuffed with Stilton, sauteed potatoes with caramelised red onions and purple sprouting brocolli, followed by my lemon tart. Yum. Tasha's dad had very kindly provided 2 bottles of Macon from his cellar - brought back a lot of memories of visiting the region.

Sunday and we forgoed the swimming in favour of a trip to Sutton. Had a great morning, took in a coffe at Starbucks and got Florence some new party gear. Florence went off to her party in the afternoon and we decided to chill in the garden as it was a great afternoon, and we extended the day to take in a BBQ (cod fillet wrapped in parma ham, sweet potatoes, courgettes and red peppers).

Got to work this morning and got hit with plenty of negative stuff. Seem to be riding over it at the moment and the new rule of "not talking shop" on the walk will help with that too.

22 April 2005

EFQM results

EFQM results
EFQM results,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
There has been alot of change this week at work. General managers changing, but we met the new guy yesterday. I'm sure that he will be very keen to be involved in our recent EFQM study of the business.

More changes on the horizon....possibly

19 April 2005

Squash VICTORY!!! (at last)

Finally won a game last night!! 4-1 too so I didn't scrape it. To be fair Stubbs had been on an all day bender at Jim's wedding on Sunday!

Spent the day at SWiSH today, beautiful drive up in the sun.

Big news that our General Manager go the boot (completely out of the blue - but not surprising) We meet the new guy on Thursday

18 April 2005


originally uploaded by Phillip.
We had a weekend, following a very tiring week for everyone. I spent the last half of the week in Manchester with EFQM. It was our 7th Wedding anniversary on Friday, so we had some good food when I got back. Unfortunately Tasha was really ill too (the sickness thing again). Saturday was spent with a slow morning, Tasha still not well, but in the afternoon I went next door and helped Martin move the electrics in the spare room. On Sunday, with a much recovered Tasha, we all went to Elvaston Castle grounds and had a great afternoon climbing trees!

05 April 2005


originally uploaded by Phillip.
Florence did some "extreme" 4x4ing in GJ's big red jeep!