Work is now over until January and the last day was really quiet. There were only 4 engineers in and our brand new shiny phone system went up the swanny, so we didn't have the phone ringing at all for the whole day.
I was glad of all that because the weekend had been manic. After Florence's ballet lesson on Saturday, she had a Christmas performance in the evening. It was an hour long and there were a couple of occasions we both had tears rolling down our faces. She was so ellegant. On Sunday we drove over to deliver a few more presents to the Aunty Sue side of the family and have a good look around their new house. Were surprised to see Graeme who has moved back in for a bit, but it was good to see everyone - can't remember the last time it was. In the afternoon we went to Martin & Alisons and met up with Colin & Lisa and had the Beacon Road Christmas do. Martin had cooked a whole fillet of beef, which was fantastic. the kids had a great time and the 4 of them played really well together. There was lots to drink and then poor Tasha had to go off to rehersals, although the alcohol certainly lessened the chore!
Today has been really slow, Florence didn't need taking to school as she was on the walking bus, Archie came round and has occupied Nate and Tasha has been making the secret recipe dough for the mince pie orders she has for Christmas. I was left with nothing to do but sort out the Christmas shopping credit card bills!!!
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