20 October 2005

Fungi at the front

Fungi at the front
Fungi at the front,
originally uploaded by Phillip.
Been quiet for a while for a number of reasons (but no excuses Mark!) Have been doing stints away from home 3 days at a time with nothing but dial-up (which I find depressing to use now, so if I can avoid it I do). We had a huge life laundry session that took up all of last weekend, but am settled to work the rest of this week from home now. Going to see Florence in the harvest festival this morning, which will break the day up nicely, and tomorrow Tasha has to go and have some dental work done.
This weekend going to the peak district so hope the weather isn't too bad, we can all cope with a bit of rain, but the heavy downpours are difficult.

1 comment:

Mark McQuitty said...

Hope you have a fun week.