Yesterday was quite productive for me. We popped into town and came away with a rowing machine (part of the post Christmas get fit theory)! Tasha had to go to rehersal so I started processing some pictures, whilst at the same time trying a bit of education in the Adobe Bridge package. I've now re-thought how I take images off the camera and store them, making new file names with the Bridge package. I also looked into (and wrote) some new actions in Photoshop which help me process images for Flickr. One of my other tasks for the holidays, was egtting all the music into one place and converting the ID3 tags, and formatting the iPod and putting it all back. Its taking a long time just getting the music from individual CDs onto the hard drive.
Today, I have to go up to the caravan and try and mend the sliding door. I bought some supplies yesterday, so hopefully I can engineer a reasonable solution, without causing too much damage. I am going to have to cut into the pelmet to get access to the slider rail but hopefully that will mean that a much more substantial fixing can be used.
Dave popped round last night, with an invitation to Evie's birthday party on Monday - it was good to see him not looking so tired!