A really busy week on all levels. Started to get involved in a few more projects at work, which is good because all elements of boredom have gone. John and I got into going to the gym together, which works really well. We've booked a squash court next week.
More people are leaving work. Rumours abound, both from people at Coventry and backing up by people at my current assignment that more interviews are being set up. Adrian managed to bag his project too, so there are only a handfull of folks left. Big news to is Dr Simon from Manchester has also quit.
Had a great weekend at the South Staffs Strawberry Rally at Haywood Park Farm. Fantastic "heat wave" weather, with not a drop of rain and read hot temperatures (good practice for France). We arrived Friday tea time and got the BBQ sorted straight away. Up to go fruit picking at 9ish the next day and got a good booty of raspberries and strawberries (and picked up some graet homemade ice cream to go with them). Went into Stafford town centre late morning for a mooch around the shops and had lunch out at Bella Italia. On the way back to the car indulged in some chocolate fountain bits and pieces. Got back in time to listen to the football on my new DAB radio. Had another BBQ.
Disappointing! I thought the critism targetting at Sven was a little harsh, after all it wasn't him who missed all the cahnces on goal, the penalties or stamped on someones knackers.
Switched over after that and was cheered by the tennis.
Sunday saw some more fantastic weather and another trip for fruit booty, gooseberries, starwberries, raspberries, tayberries and red currants were had (and eaten). Tasha sat outside and did some dance work for this ebening's rehearsal, then we packed ourselves up and came home. Next time we sit on those chairs, we'll be breakfasting in France (which is a great thought). Got home and rounded off the weekend with another BBQ.
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