17 July 2005


originally uploaded by Phillip.
Weekend roundup.
Fantastic weather all weekend. Tasha has been had working on Pop Icon again this weekend so we hardlt saw her on Sunday. We spent the time in the garden mowing etc.
Saturday night we had Jane & Nigel over and had a fantastic BBQ. Tasha made homemade burgers, with some mince that Nate & I got Ian Barker to make up for us that morning. Great to catch up with them both and good to see that they are well (and Jemmie too)

Nate Update:
He's not been very well at all - not sure whether its the chickenpox catching up with him (the spots are all drying up now), or whether its the side effects of the anti biotics he's on. He got a secondary infection behind his ear because he had loads of chickenpox behind there. He's not been himself and generallly "floppy" all weekend. Hopefully should pick up for the holidays

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