31 July 2004

Friday night - is Ruby night

After finishing working in the afternoon, went to see Dad. He looks loads better than he did last time (and he said that he is getting more sleep). His bloatedness has gone, but looks very thin and is still not eating a great deal. We had phoned for a curry, so went (via Sainsburys for Cobra beer) to pick it up from Je-Jaas. We had a feast!! Had a fantastic evening together which seemed like ages since we'd spent that kind of quality time together.

Has just started raining - so our normal Saturday morning walk has been scuppered. Mum is coming over later so that we can choose floor tiles.

30 July 2004


Have just noted that the Guardian is starting a game blog on 2 August. Also of note is the huge amount of web pages that allow downloading of music for free and legally! Also thanks to MMQ for the mini review/praise of my spending for the Open Studios brochure.

PS have posted some ebay items
Sony Mini Disc
Sharp Mini Disc
Mobile Phone

29 July 2004

Kitchen Update

Not a bad day at work today (especially when I got the call from Tasha to say that my big fat check from Open Studios had arrived - so went and ordered a 4G iPod). Really warm on the way home 29C and muggy - but TMS was on the radio which was pleasant.

After tea began ripping out the kitchen around the boiler so that there is loads of space for Neil. Revealed some challenging pipe work

Have also found the fridge and freezer that we wanted for £220 cheaper online

Neil has since been round and said that he can't make it until Tuesday now - oh well...

Dad is still quite poorly, not eating etc. Still seems to be no diagnosis of what might be wrong??

28 July 2004

Arcs & Sparks

Had Melv round to talk about me wiring the new "applianc" ring main and then he'll come and test and connect to the new consumer board.
Also saw this great line from the iPod lounge that I know MMQ will appreciate as much as me...
The iPod is only one part of a larger package: it arrives in a distinctively-designed box with several accessories. Each iPod's box is like origami art, folding open into compartments that each reveal the packed-in items. New users are often surprised (and generally delighted) by the process of unpacking their first iPods, and the newest iPod follows that tradition.

27 July 2004


Have "aquired" a camera for my phone. Hopefully the images might be OK for posting. Maybe its the handy instant image thing that I've been looking for?

Initial thoughts for getting a new iPod have passed the "committee!" (yippee)

All hands on deck!

Well everyone is helping out now!!

Dad is due to have a CT this week so is looking unlikely to be out of hospital much before the weekend. He is not getting a lot of sleep at the moment, so have offered my ear plugs!!!

Hectic - no time left...

I can't believe how "easy days" turn into complete bastards!  Started off by doing the working from home thing, but then "Jack" had to go to IKEA (again) - this time to order the kitchen.  I hate spending that much money!!!  Got back at a reasonable time though and managed to get something else done.  As Mum had told Dad that I'd definitely go see him in hospital today - I trundled over there.  He'd gone for a scan though and had to wait and hour until he came back.  Had a good chat, and apart from him being thin (cos he can't eat) seemed to be OK.  Grabbed some tea at home and then went to play squash (and got trounced - again!)  Watched BB though which was entertaining.  Beginning SIL again this week (until Thursday) have more photos to blog...

24 July 2004

Busy Day

And so destruction commences!  The last people to live in our house had the family room "improved" by the TV decorating program REAL ROOMS.  Today we began removing some of their additions - quite frankly you can see why they can do a room on such a limited budget, talk about knocking things together from scrap!!!  Heres whats left of the radiator covers
Then we went to try and put up the tent we're borrowing for the camping trip to Strumble
We're off to Nicci (my sister) birthday party tonight - I'm cooking for everyone - which is nice

23 July 2004


Now Playing (Music) Beastie Boys - 5 boroughs; DJ Food Jazz Breaks 3 & 5; House of the Chicago Blues (GBA) - Warioland4
I got so cross with Mum last night.  Dad was taken into hospital yesterday at about 2pm - and she didn't phone either myself or Nicci to tell us.  I'd been trying her number for most of the evening (obviously not being answered) and getting worried, then Dad's sister rang me to see if I'd heard from the hospital!!!! *panic*  Cousin Angela (who works in cardiology at the hospital) had seen that Dad's name was on the list and when she'd got home had rung Marrian to check up - Mum hadn't told anyone!!!
Last episode of 24 season 3 last night - it really hasn't held my attention like the first two.  Despite them cramming so much into the last 23 episodes, there didn't really seem like so much was going on last night, and the ending was very limp.  Then they said there was to be a 4th season!!! - NO
Locally it appears that all Burton's brewing interests will be changing hands again! 
As Suw points out Shatner is back and its just as bizarre as ever - YOU MUST LISTEN TO THE LINK!!  And also her article in the guardian on file sharing
I wouldn't piss on you if I was hungry  well actually I would, and while we're looking at gadgets, check this

22 July 2004

IKEA bug

Now Playing - Beach Boys Greatest Hits; Rachel Stevens; Senser - Stacked Up (a mixed bag I know!!)
Did the IKEA thing last night, and came up with a few more good ideas, and better still solved a few problems we were having too.  Despite saying we weren't going to get anything, still ended up buying things - the whole place just draws me to spend cash - I am IKEA buying Jack

Either you become an IKEA-Boy seeking your erotic gratification in the Horchow collection, or you seek out alternative male community - Fight Club Review

Anyways, looking at the furniture last night, got me onto the ultimate accessory for home working. Unlikely to ever have room for one though.

Have not been keeping up with "Le Tour" as much as I would like but Lance seems to be on track for a 6th victory. It also seems that Tim Don has been busy on the course too, some valuable training getting in their.  I'll have to keep an eye on that link for inspiration (not been running this week yet - and with Tasha lining jobs up in the evening is looking unlikely).  Did manage to catch a rather disgusting programme about eating habits the other night.  You are what you eat takes people that eat loads of processed muck and tries to turn them onto a better diet - the family they picked, it seemed either ate chips or processed meat slice sandwiches in the whitest bread I've every seen.  They also spent £80 every week on take-aways (and wondered why they had to economise in the supermarket???!)  They all (including the kids) had chronic digestion problems and were all clinically obese.  After 8 weeks you could see just by looking at them that they seemed so much brighter (and they'd all lost 2 stone each, even the kids!!)

Finally the welsh village with the longest name that everyone at primary school spent 8 years learning how to say has now been over taken by 8 letters (by another welsh village).  They changed their name to protest against a wind farm

21 July 2004

Busy evening ahead

Gill is coming over later to sit with the kids while we go and talk to the IKEA man about kitchens.  Guy's mate came round and didn't "tut" too much at my bad plumbing that I asked him to rip out and do properly!!  Really eating into the budget now
Heres a good reason to go back to school!

And heres a good reason to continue working from home, there just out to rob you.  A "per mile tax" between 2.4p and £1.34 per mile depending on the roads and time of travel.  I have several routes to work but assuming I take the shortest its a 75 mile round trip each day

20 July 2004

Pipped at the post!

Just managed to catch the end of the "fun day" at pre-school.  Mrs Gibbs roped me into the Dad's race.  Unfortunately (after thinking I was going to win) Coby's Dad snatched victory away from me by a nose.

Working from Home

Working at home today, got to go for some bloodtests at around lunchtime.  Trouble is that I can't eat or drink until I've had them, its only half seven and I'm almost biting my limbs off!
Went to see Dad last light, and I think he'd be really good if it wasn't for the  fact that he seems to be catching bugs - which is halting his recovery.  On a positive note Mum and he are planning trips and stuff for December.
Played Stubbs at squash last night - I played really badly it was almost like I'd lost hand/eye co-ordination!  It has been a while since I played, the fitness was OK (from the running) but ......
Had a chap to look at the roof last night - he think that we only need a new skylight (phew).  tonight we have the boiler man coming, and tomorrow its IKEA. 
I have posted Deb's latest gallery work on her web page, please take a look.  The Gloucester docks picture is really cool.

19 July 2004

This Land

Check out this land the lastest animation from Jiblab - very funny


Now Playing - Blink 182 - Blink 182 (and in the car the new Prodigy Album - which was disappointing)
Ended up being quite busy.  Saturday was spent decided actually what we are going to have in the new kitchen (and what we're ripping out never to be replaced) - this took a lot longer than we thought, but we have loads of people coming round this week to give us quotes on the construction side of things.  Going to look at some kitchen units on Wednesday evening.
If anyone has any suggestions on a good way round of doing things, please let me know.  It really got quite confusing - trying to map out what we need to do at each stage, and thinking what needed doing before/after certain tasks.  We've pretty much guessed that the boiler and the windows need doing first, as these will cause the most disruption (without having to rip out kitchen cupboards!)
Sunday was really productive - Managed to get the front hedge cut (I hate that job - not the cutting, but the clearing up!) and washed both cars.  Borrowed the tect of Guy, and went over to Gill & GJ's to use their garden to try and put it up.  It started raining so we never actually got it up (as it were).  Good to see them both though.  GJ not happy at the moment a worm is doing nasty things to his PC, and even when he re-installs completely its only about 20 minutes before he's completely invected again (let me know if anyone had bright ideas)
A good solution to file sharing, possibly with work (and the forthcoming work from home mentality) is this "temporary" store for files provided by Dropload.  My iPod dilema is getting worse, now do I wait for the new model??  I think I may have solved my email routing thing, need to do some testing

Finally I think the call centre mentality has gone completely mad.  Check this out!!

16 July 2004

SIL is over (for this week)

SIL is over for this week and it appears that we may have a week of next week.  At least the customer has said that they'll challenge us to a karting competition next time they come up!!
Ahmed, has been evicted (which to be honest was a surprise to me).
MMQ enjoyed Spiderman and Tasha has said again that she'd like to see it - must get something arranbged.  She's spent the evening using the new IKEA kitchen design software (pretty cool for a freebie - especially the 3D visualisation)
Just catching up a little with the Tour, and I did manage to get off my fat arse and go for a run too!! (just the 4km tonight - well I've got to ease back into things!!)

15 July 2004


Well this new interface completely threw me, that wasn't there a few hours ago....
Anyway I haven't been for a run (surprised), but in my defense - Gill & GJ got back from France yesterday and bought me some wine and garlic.  This meant that I knocked out a rather good leek risotto and had drunk too much wine by the time I remembered I was going running!
Have just stayed with "Driven" the movie.  Can't say its one of Slys best performances - and at times I really wept at the plot (why do I watch then??)
At least there were some good cameos from JPM and Jean Alesi.


The weather is turning decidedly shitty - rapidly loosing my motivation to go for a run! SIL was good today (a few good "heated" discussions) - still worrying that we are determining how many people loose their lives when things go wrong though! Mind is tired (which is a good reason to go for a run in the rain)....we'll see


I really must go for a run tonight. Its hard to get motivated after sitting in a SIL determination meeting for 9 hours though!!!...FOCUS

Looks like the iPod range may be expanding the units getting smaller and their capacity bigger. And caught this surreal image too.

Biz Stone drew my attention to this portrait maker. Good fun but for some reason I looked awful (I think I need a mirror)

MMQ out of the office today, so no-one here for an early morning chat. SIL starts again at 9.

14 July 2004

More bad news

"Another" announcement has been made and it appears our operation in Worcester is being closed and the personnel transferred to Coventry. These poor guys have already made a relocation from Yoevil in the last few years!! Dave is thinking that if a transfer is in order why not got the whole hog and get near the coast too! This has all got to be tied up by 1st Oct

The iPod - WMD???

With the release of the butler report comes this article which may suggest where Saddam might have had WMD. I'm pretty sure that he must have an iPod.

Cool new calling card from Gapigvoid today!

Check out the Severn bore action too!

Went to Ridware last night and got Deb's new photos to but on her website, but they're not there yet! Knocked off something half reasonable myself. Hardly saw anyone at home yesterday - SIL determination went on till gone 5, so it was 6.30 by the time I got home. Said hello to everyone (F&N in the bath) and grabbed something to eat. Changed and straight out the door to Ridware. Got home at about 9.30 and finally got to talk to Tasha! Guy is giving us a view of the new tent (a potential borrow for Strumble is on the cards)

13 July 2004

Bart's back

Playlist - The Vines, Beach Boys, Fight Club Soundtrack, Liam Howlett

Paul is back, and he's started exercising, the DVT was apparently caused from dehydration. He is hoping that the lung capacity will continue to grow and a full recovery is possible (but lucky to be here at all)

MMQ and Biz found some good links, which I've added to the roll, also article on adding
audio blogs

12 July 2004

Mixed Media Effort

Well here is the creativity from the weekend (well the best of the bunch that I managed to get finished). Still room for improvement, but loads better than the last time I tried!!!

Great bit of software

Rasterbator is a flash app that takes an image and builds a massive rastor image multi-page PDF. Some great opportunities me thinks. Great example links on the page too.


How about making a cocktail of yourself!

Here's how to make a Phillip Ingham

How to make a Phillip Ingham

1 part competetiveness

1 part brilliance

3 parts ego
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

Others may differ, but I think I'd prefer a little more brillance and a lot less ego (if that doesn't contradict itself!!!)

Keeping up with the music

I've just had a comment from Katie. My first comment from someone I've not directly told to read an entry!! I'm famous!!!

I like MMQ's idea for recording what I'm listening to - just this weekend alone we've had some serious deviations! so...

Now Playing - Jet Set Radio Soundtrack

The Age of Panic

Have been listening to Senser - Stacked up this morning, bringing back memories of getting pretty bruised when we went to see them at Wolverhampton Civic Hall.....

Busy weekend, went to mixed media course on Saturday - will post some of the stuff I did (not bad really). Obviously Tasha needed to be pampered as she'd been with the beasts all day! Sunday got cracking and went to look at some appliances for the new kitchen, kids were surprisingly good (comet and the like normally have a very strange effect on Florence!) British GP a little disappointing (cos Jenson didn't get a podium), went to see Dad who I thought looked really good, he was walking about well. He's finding it difficult at the moment cos he can't get comfortable - and so can't sleep.

Just looked up from the desk and out of the window is a large rabbit, not seen one of those round here before.

09 July 2004


Just come out of the A&D Roadshow meeting that took place in the office today. Generally I think most were impressed by the new UK MDs direction. Many vented spleens and I think that pretty much all of the major bones of contention were addressed.

08 July 2004


Well this is the first blog with the new broadband connection. Was an effort last night to get things going for some reason there was a problem with my phone line (perhaps the weather), but tonight seems fine - we are rocking!

Have spent the day in Manchester at SWSH. After waiting for Dan for an hour, we somehow managed to be 10 minutes late! Generally the day was geared to sales I feel and so I found it pretty uninspiring - but the grub was good!!!

Had the first part of the heart disease tests at the doctors, and then went to give blood. The NBS told me that I had a quite rare group and they asked me to attend only when they needed that group ("so they didn't waste me?"). Apparently they use my group to give to premature babies.

Saw that Tikkabilla came from Heinz the other day. Pulse sorting, hydro cooker and case packing all featured (software that I'd done at Emcon). When I told Florence this, she just said that she didn't like beans!! I suppose that puts it into perspective!!

06 July 2004

My world is complete

All of the stars have now come into alignment and David Hasselhoff is making his West End debut!

Saw Harry Potter last night and was impressed, it amazes me how they entice people to be in it (ahh money that's it), but it does seem to have its fair share of cinema stars. When mum was over last night (she'd just got back from a nightmare journey to the hospital) she said that Dad might be out as early as today!!! I think that's a bit optimistic to be honest (but I don't allocate the hospital beds do I) - that will be an exciting journey for Mum.

Is it really 7 years since Diana died. The queen opens a memorial today. At least the US have got with the programme with what is important in the world by addressing
Cornish freedom in an episode of the Simpsons.

Have found some grounding to back up the theory behind the beard index ..."the classic 'dodgy' stereotype often (unfairly) attached to bearded people..."

Not on the scale of the Americans but Dio found a great Welsh weather site with some nice piccies

Everyone "looking forward" to our corporate visit to head office on Thursday.

05 July 2004


Tour started yesterday so will be keeping an eye on that for the rest of the month. Tried to find the results for the Maratona Dles Dolomites, to see how Stirling had got on - found them, but am none the wiser. A combination of multiple times and Italian abbreviations have stumped me.

Weekend omission

Probably the most exciting thing that happened over the weekend, I forgot to mention. Alison next door fell down the stairs (luckily she wasn't carrying Archie), but she was in a pile at the bottom of the stairs and Martin was in the back garden oblivious to the screams from in the house. She is just recovering from her back op, and so the district nurse came round - she heard the shouts and communicated through the letterbox. She then got over the gate at the back and got Martin into the house.

Turns out that she has low blood pressure and the shock of falling and not being heard then gave her a seizure! When Nate & I got back from the paper shop the rapid response paramedic and an ambulance were sitting outside. They took her in for obs and she has broken her toe.

Now the irony is that her back op was scheduled for the day she was supposed to finish maternity leave, and she was supposed to be going back to work today after her back!!!

Fight Club is REALLY out there

Just as I was coming to terms with the fact that fight club IS fictional I see this!

Weekend ups and downs

One of those weekends when I can't seem to get anything done.

Friday went over to see Dad. Glenfields as a hospital is quite nice, free car park and not "smelly". dads ward seem to be about 10 miles from the main entrance, but the constantly changing art work and cloister gardens were great. When I got there Dad was asleep, and just sitting watching him had 10 minutes of intense thinking. I don't want Nate sitting where I was in 30 years time - so was quite glad that I'd booked my test for Wednesday. When he woke up was very jolly, still has erratic heartbeat and oxygen was low. Complained that food was shit, but I did notice he'd got quite a stash of things now! Traffic home was a nightmare.

Saturday similar kind of lost day, Florence did the ballet thing and then her and Tasha went into town for a "girlie" morning - Coffee, shopping, trying on shoes etc etc. Nicci came over to see Nate and I, and then Mum came over and we all had lunch. Had a phone call from Deb, she is producing her own short booklet that she is going to send out to galleries - and she'd like to get me involved. After that Mum and I went to see Dad again. Sue and Phil met us there so was good to have a chat with them. It now seems that all 4 are going to Egypt when Dads out!! Of course Saturday night was taken up with the grand final of Strictly come dancing!

Sunday morning, another part of our kitchen fell to pieces, so had to make emergency repairs. Fortunately Tashas gran is coming over on Tuesday, and Tasha is going to bring that up. TV flicking for most of the afternoon between the French GP, which got very dull as soon as Alonso lost the lead and Wimbeldon, which I really thought Roddick was going to win. The evening was finished off with possible the greatest sporting upset of the year, when Greece beat Portugal to become the champions of Europe!

02 July 2004


I'm off to see Dad later, and I don't like hospitals. I'm a lot better about the blood/gore thing (after being at births, first aider etc), but its just hospitals freak me out - I think its the smell. Anyway, Mum said that hes doing well, but his leg isn't healing too well (but that happened last time).

With luck going to see Harry Potter on Monday with Tasha, but then the next one will have to be Spider-man, especially after I came across nothing but good reviews on the blog roll from "about a boy" Dan and Sam Ryan

Saddam certainly is not going to give up without a fight. On a lighter note, found this article about some girls that went mountaineering in Scotland, in their school uniforms without any map or compass - obviously mountain rescue were called - and then abused!!

gomi no sensei is getting famous with a little help (hopefully)

01 July 2004

A big day in space...

2 major missions have occurred today, the first (rather worryingly) was to fix the international space station's steering system! This left the ISS completely unmanned for nearly 6 hours (and supposedly out of control too (mmm)

The second was a probe entering the orbit of Saturn. The thing has taken 7 years to get there and had to pass through the rings to get the orbit required. At some point in its 4 year life gathering data its going to check out Titan, which some believe is in the same state as earth was billions of years ago...

SIL Determinations

From about 11 o'clock until the close of play yesterday, I was sucked into the SIL determination exercise at work. Brain meltdown on the way home, plenty of concentration needed for that, so it looks like I will be involved until the exercise is over now. Luckily "beardy2" is out of here today - the man is the closest thing we've discovered to having a BI (Beardy index) of 1.

Beardy Index (BI) a bit like the glycemic index, where everything is a fraction of something. Hence "the" beard has an index of 1 and irritation of anything else can be based on this.

Dad had a reasonable day yesterday although he was suffering from irregular heart beat (this is apparently common though), and by dinner time that had settled down and "..He'd been disconnected from the pump"??? Taking his first visitors today, Nicci is taking Mum over after lunch. Bought some USB hubs so that I can be ready for cabling everything on Monday.

SteveD not in yet and getting a bit worried about him. On my own down here as yet, Nat up stairs fighting (as usual) to get onto the network.

Tim Henman lost yesterday, and I think Suw describes it better than anything else. At the end of the game the cameras zoomed in on his eyes and you could see his mind racing!

Gaping void has done some great cards lately

Biz has a link into the Blog Matrix which makes an interesting read for a newcomer such as myself.