08 July 2004


Well this is the first blog with the new broadband connection. Was an effort last night to get things going for some reason there was a problem with my phone line (perhaps the weather), but tonight seems fine - we are rocking!

Have spent the day in Manchester at SWSH. After waiting for Dan for an hour, we somehow managed to be 10 minutes late! Generally the day was geared to sales I feel and so I found it pretty uninspiring - but the grub was good!!!

Had the first part of the heart disease tests at the doctors, and then went to give blood. The NBS told me that I had a quite rare group and they asked me to attend only when they needed that group ("so they didn't waste me?"). Apparently they use my group to give to premature babies.

Saw that Tikkabilla came from Heinz the other day. Pulse sorting, hydro cooker and case packing all featured (software that I'd done at Emcon). When I told Florence this, she just said that she didn't like beans!! I suppose that puts it into perspective!!

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