04 July 2006

No doubt there will be fireworks all over the US today, but the heat is coming from the weather over here. In the new office there is no air conditioning, in my car there is also no air conditioning. I went swimming yesterday lunchtime, and within minutes of getting dry, was drenched again.

The drive home was hot too - made more irritating by my card getting a random authorisation check at the service station and I ended up speaking to someone on the phone for 10 minutes, with a huge queue building up behind me! Got home and was issued with a cold Stella, from Tasha, and the BBQ cooking some mackerel.

Have decided that it is the time of year to do my life laundry thing again. I've pretty much sorted my GTD life out now, and have settled on using good old text files for all my lists (this actually works a lot better than I thought it would). I keep them on my pen drive so that they are portable between work and home. I found that when I truely wrote down all my projects and next actions that there was too bigger turnover of paper to keep things together in a filofax (unless you do the 1 item per page thing).

Started watching the tour last night. Think I will be able to catch up with much more of it this year as it is on TV at a better time for me.

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