19 September 2005

Whores, Fire Engines & Caravans

Its been a mixed bag of a weekend (and really busy). Friday night went out with Louise, Sue & Sara to see "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" starring Tasha. What a fantastic show. Didn't really know the story, other than the summary on the back of the script, but it has some great music and Ed did a magnificent job with the band. Everyone played their roles well and there where plenty of laughs from the packed brewhouse crowd. Bit distressing in the sex scenes for me - but they were done in a comedy fashion so it wasn't as bad as I had thought it was going to be. Went for a few beers with the girls after too and Tasha went out to the Thai.

Saturday, Tasha had her lie in after the do, so I had to do the whole ballet thing. The bun and hair thing was the worst, but the results I got were damned impressive. In the afternoon, Tasha went off to do the matinee and Florence went off to her friends house for the fire station visit. Nate and I went next door to Martin & Alison's and had a good afternnon chatting and playing. We harvested the sunflowers with a view to drying them out and eating them. Florence got back from her visit at just after 9 that evening and was full of it. It appeared that they had done loads of stuff, RTA rescues, thermal camera, fire engine tour etc etc.

We Tried to keep Sunday a bit of a rest day, so that we could spend some family time together. However, we ended up having to go shopping (albeit as a family) as we were out of grub. In the afternoon we got together our boxes for the caravan and went over to the farm to put things away. I think we are pretty much set now, and the credit card bill has been paid, so I can start to recover financially too.

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