04 January 2006

Bad news, then more bad news

Yesterday, I went to undock my iPod , which had been sitting there all over Christmas and it wouldn't disconnect from the PC. After rebooting the PC the damned thing had lost everything on it. I decided to perform a restore, but the application wouldn'tconnect! iTunes wouldn't either. Last night I tried again, without any luck at all.

Then I got an email from Mark, saying that there were going to be simultaneous announcements across our offices today - thats NEVER good news!

Came into work this mrning and there is the obvious banter (but reading between the lines the word out there is that the news might not affect us at this office). Also I tried the iPod, and manged to get it connected to my work PC, so I was able to perform the restore and get some tracks on, which are playing. Will keep an eye on it today, but hopefully thats the end of the matter!!

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