25 June 2006

Rough as a badger's arse

Thats how I feel today -all self inflicted unfortunately so sympathy is non-existent! It was the auction of promises yesterday. Tasha was doing the cateering, so she was out most of the day preparing for the expected 100 guests. This was my first auction as a bidder (and I was also one of the lots for a full bike service). The idea is that folk turn up, eat and drink for an hour or so then then try and make pissed people buy things. I got away lighty (I think) I won 4 lots, and only spent £100 - but I got a family ticket to Heights of Abraham and a cave tour, Family pass to twin lakes, Ice age 2 gamecube game (one of Dave's lots) and tickets to see Leicester Tigers vs The Barbarians next year. The lot I was really after was the japanese meal, but that went out of my zone. The other popular lot out of the 93 in total was Tasha's cakes - which went up from the £57 winning bid last year to £70!!

I can't remember much about getting home, and I appently had a conversation with Tasha when she got back, which I have no recollection of. Couldn't even face a hangover curing big mac at lunchtime (which I was VERY disappointed about). I'm too old for this shit!

Friday was a good day at work, I've been given another task to perform, so I've plenty to keep me occupied now. Although the SMS message didn't work from Brookson this week I did get paid, which was VERY nice!! I got the complicated company shareholder pay slip the following day as well. Dan and I flew over to Coventry at lunchtime to see John at the cocked hat. Must have been everyone thats left turned out. Good to see folk again. Also had a great chat with John on the way home.

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