10 September 2006

Another great week had!

Friday night went to watch Tasha's fantastic production of Godspell. Mesmerising performance and as many people reviewed a "performance worthy of a professional stage". Because of the young cast there was a teriffic amount of energy on the stage. With the venue change (due to the fire at the Brewhouse) - it meant that there were only 4 performances - as Saturday was already booked. Although the show was the best of the week according to Tasha - there were plenty of sad faces at the end, knowing that they wouldn't be doing it again - it was a strange mix of emotions.

Saturday was Fi's 18th birthday party which was held at the new Burton Albion Stadium. Great night, and one of the cast had brought the soundtrack with them, so several numbers were recreated. During the evening Jack's leaving do was arranged, so that means I'm out all next weekend too.

Thought that Sunday might be a bit restful, but not really - Florence got invited to a bowling party late on Friday, so we had to go a get a present, then take her to the bowling alley. Several gardening chores, and delivering all the show things to the next directors for Guys & Dolls.

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