20 August 2004

And so it continues

iPod Shuffle now playing The Vines - Ride (which is fitting)

The "bitchin' posse" back on it this morning, especially following yesterdays late afternoon developments of test equipment not being available for use! We have a load of gear arriving today (the day when most people leave at 12:30) that all needs building for a test on Monday. Mark has made contact with some colleagues in other offices to see what the feeling is like. It appears that the SWiSH boys seem reasonable happy at the moment (so would I working there though).

I have thrown a few tracks onto the iPod for F+N, and I find it quite disturbing when I'm on shuffle that I suddenly go to Hi-5 singing Boom-Boom Beat

Pete has a second blog tracking his fitness regime - what a great idea to stay motivated, knowing that the public is watching your every move.

Suw picks up on woot, where you can get some very very cheap gadgets.

Soon you will be able to run your entire life from your mobile!

Another entry in my ever expanding room of cool furniture!

Amber and Terri continue to brighten my day!

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