23 April 2006

Saturday Night Culture

Went to see one of our friends at the Brewhouse Theatre last night. She sang a set of songs from musicals mainly for her 30th birthday. It was a good turn out and the proceeds go to the local cancer trust, a cause that is very close to Heather's heart. Was good to catch up with a few people at the bar after the show too.

Productive day at home, washed the car which got really muddy last weekend, and then serviced a bike (that had been loaned to Tasha). Nate has a seat on the back of it too, so they went out for a quick spin. Not sure I'd like to carry the extra weight of Nate around with me, but Tasha seemed to do pretty well on the test flight. Could be a good move on holiday, just need to get rid of Florence's stabalisers.

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